
Adria Media Group : Stop the Violence Campaign

Candidacy for the Grand Prix 2018 / Corporate Social Responsibility

Violence against women represents serious form of discrimination and a severe form of human rights violation. It is also a serious social problem with immense negative consequences for victims, family members and society in general. It is estimated that every other woman in Serbia has experienced some form of violence. Since 2006, more than 360 women have been killed in domestic violence, and about 20,000 cases of violence are being reported annually. Victims of domestic violence are not just women, but also children-members of the family in which violence occurs. In order to draw public's attention to one of the biggest problems of Serbian society, motivate the victims of violence and witnesses of violence to testify and report violence to relevant institutions the daily Kurir launched the campaign ‘Stop the Violence’ on the International Day Against Violence against Women 2016. By publishing reports on cases of violence against women, in cooperation with relevant institutions (Ministry of Interior and Safe House) and intensive media campaign, Kurir has encouraged numerous victims to report violence and seek help, thus contributing to awareness raising on significance of society's action in order to escape fatal consequences and  on the importance of adoption of a new law. In one month of the campaigning the number of reports of violence increased by 12%. In June 2017, a new Law was adopted

Campaign ‘Stop the Violence’ was launched after an unprecedented crime against the mother of three children (21). Kurir published an article about the case and publicly committed itself to use the media influence for awareness raising about the problem that society must not ignore.

Newspaper section was created, where with help of Ms. Vesna Stanojevic, coordinator of the Safe House, series of confession of the women victims of violence were published.

In addition to their stories, we published interviews with experts who encouraged victims to recognize violence, suggested how to act in such cases of violence, and we also published telephone numbers (SOS and emergency) as well as information with which we encouraged victims to seek help and report abusers. All publications published in print editions were made available online in order to make it visible to as many people as possible.

A campaign has been supported by various public figures who got involved  by playing the role of victims of violence: actress Kalina Kovacevic, TV hostess Natasa Miljkovic, athlete Milica Dabovic and singers Jelena Tomasevic, Seka Aleksic and Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic. The campaign has been simultaneously featured on television, radio, print, web and social networks.  The campaign generated large number of public reactions, and couple of victims staying at safe houses claimed it was a breaking point for them to report the perpetrator to the police.

In June 2017, a new Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence was adopted, allowing police to physically remove perpetrator from the apartment/house for 24 hours, with assistance of the Center for Social Work, relevant court and all competent institutions which are immediately being included in the case.

The complete project "Stop the Violence" was designed and implemented by the employees and using solely resources of the ‘Adria Media Group.’

Primary target groups of the campaign are victims of violence and members of their families, while the secondary target groups are relevant public institutions and general public. 

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