Candidate for CCIFS Grand Prix 2023 ''CSR'': Adria Media Group

During this year's Green Gala evening, which will take place on April 27th, we will organize the traditional Grand Prix CCIFS awards ceremony

The Plant A Tree project is a unique mass reforestation project  launched in 2019 by Adria Media Group in partnership with dm drogerie markt and numerous partner institutions*. It is implemented with the help of the employees, partners, and citizen volunteers.

The importance of this project is increasing with every new round, and last month a new record was set, having planted half a million saplings at over 300 locations all across Serbia.

In addition, as a result of the Plant A Tree project, 13 cities have been made greener, a dumping ground near Bačka Palanka, used for many years, has been cleaned and turned into a green oasis, saplings have been provided for 1,215 elementary schools in Serbia for two consecutive years, 29 educational workshops for children have been held, thematic murals have been painted in Belgrade and Čačak, forums/conferences have been organized that gathered the decision-makers from the state, non-governmental, and private sectors in order to together define the strategy for making Serbia greener, and Adria Media Group is making use of the power of its media outlets for a continued media campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of nature and the significance of environmental preservation.

The project lives on and includes new, even more ambitious plans.

This is possible owing to a great many partners who contribute to its implementation in various ways (by helping with the logistics, resources, or their expertise).

*The partner institutions of the Plant A Tree project include The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management – The Forest Administration; The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development; PE Srbijašume; PE Vojvodinašume; The Serbian Reforestation Movement; The Serbian Chamber of Commerce, The University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Biology Jevremovac Botanical Garden; The Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade; The School of Forestry in Kraljevo; The Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia; The Vojvodina Secretariat for Urban Planning and Environmental Protection; and The Forestry Institute.





Video : Sadnja u Lipovici


Télécharger Sadnja_u_Lipovici_Image_V_16x9.mp4  (MP4 • 38 Mo)

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