Candidate for CCIFS Grand Prix 2023 ''CSR'': Total Energies Marketing Serbia

During this year's Green Gala evening, which will take place on April 27th, we will organize the traditional Grand Prix CCIFS awards ceremony

With the aim of contributing to the development of the communities and regions in which it operates, TotalEnergies continues with activities aimed at educating the youngest members of the community. In cooperation with local educational institutions, TotalEnergies presents the "Energy Sources" game, which aims to introduce different sources of energy to children of early school age, as well as their role in preserving the environment.

Through this interactive game, which depicts the way home, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to "set off" on an adventure where they come across a handful of interesting and useful information related to different types of energy. By throwing a dice, each participant finds out how many squares there are to be crossed from the starting position to the finish line. Each field contains information about renewable energy sources, with the main goal that through play and interaction the youngest generation acquire basic knowledge about different energy sources, their use and importance for the environment and for the future generations. But, just as energy transforms and changes, the path that leads home is not a straight line either! While some energy sources bring progress, there are also those that take you a few fields back! Exactly this element of uncertainty brings more excitement and encouragement to children to acquire new knowledge with pleasure.

As a global multi-energy company that places sustainable development at the heart of its strategy, TotalEnergies pursues its ambition to lead the energy transition by producing energy that is more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. As social engagement plays a big role in the realization of the aforementioned ambition, TotalEnergies invites all members of the community to actively participate and contribute to the preservation of the environment.


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