Candidate for CCIFS Grand Prix 2023 ''Innovation'': L'Oréal Balkan

During this year's Green Gala evening, which will take place on April 27th, we will organize the traditional Grand Prix CCIFS awards ceremony

Three most talented young women scientists in our country - Dr. Jovana Despotović, Dr. Tijana Milićević and Dr. Alena Stupar were awarded within the renowned L'Oréal-UNESCO program "For Women in Science" (L'Oréal - UNESCO For Women in Science). At the ceremony held in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, The winners of the "For Women in Science" National Fellowships program for the year 2022, were awarded with fellowships of 5 thousand euros each, intended for the realization of their scientific research in the fields of molecular biology, environmental chemistry and technology of food products. This significant and innovative researches are carried out in Serbia.

The focus of Jovana Despotović's research is the molecular biology of cancer, all with the aim of finding new biomarkers that could identify patients who would benefit from the application of a certain therapy or predict the outcome of the disease. Tijana Milićević deals with the examination of toxic and carcinogenic elements and compounds (pesticides and other long-term organic pollutants) in environmental and food samples, with a special focus on assessing the risk to human health and examining the bioavailability and bioavailability of these substances. Alena Stupar investigates the application of various modern extraction techniques, using completely safe "green" solvents, which significantly reduces the use of organic, often toxic solvents, negative impact on the environment and increases the selectivity of the extraction process of target compounds.

National Fellowships "For Women In Science" were awarded for the twelfth time. This program in Serbia was launched in 2010 and is implemented in partnership with the Commission of the Republic of Serbia for Cooperation with UNESCO, the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation and the L'Oréal Balkan. Since the launch of the program until today, more than 600 young scientists have participated in the competition for National Fellowships, and the best have been awarded with 35 fellowships, in the amount of more than 20 million dinars. Fellowships are being awarded to women scientists up to 35 years of age, with the aim of realizing significant scientific research in the field of natural sciences, as support for the professional development of local talents and an incentive to continue with their scientific research in Serbia.

The program in Serbia is part of the famous international initiative L'Oreal - UNESCO "For Women in Science" which, for twenty five years, provides support around the world to outstanding female scientists who, with their dedication, achievements and with their vision, contribute to the progress of science and society.

Women scientists are leading groundbreaking research around the world, but despite their remarkable discoveries, women still represent only 33.3 percent of researchers worldwide, and their work rarely gets the recognition it deserves. Less than 4% of Nobel Prizes in science have ever been awarded to women, and only 11% of senior research positions in Europe are held by women. L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" is a unique, world-renowned program created in 1998 to promote and encourage women who contribute to scientific progress worldwide. So far, more than four thousand women from 110 countries have received direct support as part of this initiative. Among them are young women who have just entered the world of science, as well as scientists who received well-deserved recognition at the peak of their careers. Five winners of the international awards "For Women in Science" received the Nobel Prize after this recognition. By becoming the winners of the national competition, three more young talented scientists from Serbia became part of this truly special global community. This year marks the anniversary - 25 years of this famous program, which represents a reference point for international scientific achievement and an invaluable source of motivation, support and inspiration for women in the field of science all over the world.


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