
Candidate for GRAND PRIX 2024 in CSR category – L’Oreal - National program "For Women in Science" and the corporate volunteering program "Citizen Day"

During this year's Gala evening, which will take place on April 23rd, we will organize the traditional Grand Prix CCIFS awards ceremony

The world leader in the cosmetics industry, L'Oréal, bases its corporate social responsibility on a vision where business success and social development go hand in hand.

We ground all our activities in this field on three key areas - the planet, people, and products. With the desire to always be an example, we strive to create beauty that moves the world and endeavor to make a positive contribution to society and the communities in which we operate. Key initiatives in this field in Serbia include:

- The national "For Woman in Science" program - which has been rewarding the best young female scientists in Serbia for 14 years.

- The corporate volunteering program "Citizen Day" - where employees in Serbia spend a workday engaged in a specific project that contributes to the local community instead of their regular duties.

The L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Woman in Science" initiative globally rewards and promotes the best female scientists, their achievements, and outstanding results to ensure women are equally represented not only in science but also in society as a whole. The global program has celebrated 25 years of existence, and in Serbia, it was launched in 2010 in partnership with L’Oréal Balkans, the National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO, and the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation. The " For Woman in Science " program in Serbia rewards the best young female scientists in our country every year, representing an invaluable source of motivation, support, and inspiration for both young generations and society as a whole. Grants of 5000 euros each, are awarded to support their valuable research projects and encourage them to continue their scientific work in Serbia and further their studies in their scientific field. The total prize fund,to this day, has exceeded 22 million dinars and the program has awarded 38 female scientists from Serbia, covering various fields of natural sciences including chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, environmental protection, and other interdisciplinary areas.

The Corporate Volunteering Program (Citizen Day) is a global initiative by L'Oréal, where employees dedicate their working hours to a socially responsible action instead of their regular tasks. As part of this initiative, employees in Serbia have spent a workday engaged in a specific project since 2010. In 2023, a large volunteer action was held at the former Clinic for Burns, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery in Belgrade. The facility hosts residents of the Center for the Protection of Infants, Children, and Youth in Zvečanska during the renovation of the main building. To make the children's stay as enjoyable as possible, a large courtyard fence and entrance to the building were painted, a large mural with child appropriate motifs was painted, green areas in front of the building and a flower garden were arranged, new benches and trash cans were installed, and the entire area was thoroughly cleaned. More than 120 L'Oréal employees in Serbia participated in the action, with the support of the Public Utility Company "Zelenilo - Beograd" and the art studio "Šoln". Over the past 13 years, volunteer actions in Serbia have included the reconstruction and decoration of spaces in schools, kindergartens, and gerontology centers, the installation of access ramps, the creation of therapeutic parks and sensory gardens for people with disabilities, the renovation of playgrounds, and environmental improvement."

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