
Candidate for GRAND PRIX 2024 in CSR category – OTP Bank - Together towards a more solidary society

During this year's Gala evening, which will take place on April 23rd, we will organize the traditional Grand Prix CCIFS awards ceremony

OTP Bank Serbia, along with its friends and partners, the Serbian Philanthropic Forum and the Trag Foundation, has launched a pioneering initiative called "Together for a More Solidary Society," dedicated to creating a unique Registry of Civil Society Organizations that the Bank will exempt from fees when transferring humanitarian donations to their designated accounts. Fee exemptions will apply to all customer groups and payment methods conducted through OTP Bank, regardless of the bank where the recipient's account is held. This initiative aims to promote and strengthen a culture of giving in our society. The Bank seeks to encourage individuals and companies to collectively support the work of the civil sector, which is of immense importance to our entire society. The goal is to gather all stakeholders in the civil sector whose work is transparent, continuous, and deserving of additional support and greater visibility in one place.


The Registry of Civil Society Organizations exempt from fees for donations to their designated accounts will bring together all relevant organizations involved in humanitarian work that also require additional support and visibility. The list will be updated every 12 months, after which new organizations can apply to become part of this registry.


The invitation to join the Registry applies to all organizations and associations involved in:


- Providing funds for medical treatment in both domestic and international settings for children and adults (including treatment services, check-ups, surgical procedures, post-operative treatments, rehabilitation, procurement of medicines, medical equipment, and consumables, travel expenses, etc.);

- Providing funds for the construction, renovation, and equipping of healthcare institutions;

- Providing funds for the construction, renovation, and equipping of educational institutions (elementary and secondary schools, dormitories, kindergartens);

- Providing funds for the construction, renovation, and equipping of cultural institutions (theaters, museums, cultural centers, etc.), as well as for the implementation of cultural projects;

- Providing funds for activities related to children's rights and social protection of children;

- Providing funds for activities related to providing assistance to socially vulnerable and impoverished populations in Serbia;

- Providing funds for the rights of minority groups;

- Providing funds for children and adults with physical and mental-intellectual disabilities;

- Providing funds for ecological initiatives;

- Providing funds for sports activities;

- Providing funds for areas devastated by natural disasters;

- Providing funds for educational initiatives in various fields;

- Providing funds for the implementation of other initiatives aimed at improving the social and natural environment through strengthening social services, fostering positive social values, and caring for the preservation of the entire ecosystem.


Let's choose solidarity!

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