
Candidate for GRAND PRIX 2024 in GREEN category – Milšped Group - Warehouse Robotization - AutoStore Project

During this year's Gala evening, which will take place on April 23rd, we will organize the traditional Grand Prix CCIFS awards ceremony

Milšped Group has become a pioneer on the domestic market when it comes to the implementation of robotic technology in warehouse operations. This was achieved by a robotic warehouse in Krnješevci that was put into operation in January of 2023.

In addition to improving warehouse operations and process efficiency, by working 24/7, robots can reduce labor costs and eliminate errors attributed to the human factor. Implementation of this system is a significant step in implementation of ESG strategy principles within Milšped Group.

The sophisticated programming of these robots ensured that they always perform the tasks that are physically closest to them first, which contributes to energy savings. This means that the energy used by 10 robots is equal to that which would be used by only one vacuum cleaner for the same period. As much as 99.7 percent of the robot's "working time" is used efficiently, with optimal energy consumption.

This allows us to store and process up to 3 times more goods in the same space compared to before, all with minimal energy consumption. Furthermore, by eliminating long picking routes, in addition to faster order processing, we provided our employees with a more pleasant working environment and working conditions.

Thanks to the implementation of the automatic warehouse and commission system, and later by incorporating AI technology in the sorting process, today we have 100 working autonomous robots, that can deliver up to 45 000 units. This resulted in the creation of the first integrated robotized logistics platform tailored for e-commerce business processes.

This project had required financial investments, internal expertise in the field of warehouse process management and digitization, support from the company that developed this robotic technology, as well as teamwork and additional training for several sectors within the company.

One of many significant steps in the implementation of this project was additional training for warehouse employees. We ensured the most efficient handling and coordination of business tasks which allowed us to achieve maximum capacity utilization.

The system is applicable on a wide range of different products and enables comprehensive supply of the market through all distribution channels. With customs mediation and customs clearance services, this enables clients to receive their orders on the same day or in just a few days from the moment of arrival in the warehouse. By implementing these two projects, we ensured maximum efficiency with minimal resource consumption.

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