CCIFS Grand Prix 2021 : Credit Agricole - Giving with Heart – Payroll Giving Program

At this year's Gala, the CCIFS 2021 Grand Prix will be held. Company Credit Agricole, is nominee for the category "Corporate social responsibility".

“Giving with Heart "- a humanitarian project based on the" payroll giving" principle

Under the slogan "Let’s make someone's better tomorrow start today", the employees of Crédit Agricole Bank initiated a humanitarian project "Giving with Heart" in July 2020, during the most difficult moments of an unprecedented global health crisis. Crédit Agricole Serbia, as a socially responsible company which upholds the welfare of the community as one of its basic postulates of business operation, supported this initiative which aims to help, primarily, children and young people with poor health or socioeconomic status, but also other vulnerable categories of the population, as well as cultural and sports facilities, environmental projects.

The Bank's employees are the ones who initiate the whole project mechanism. They send proposals for the recipients of donations, four representatives of employees make up the Committee, which regularly updates the list of all received proposals and selects three or four proposals for voting each month. After that, a survey with proposals is posted on the Bank's internal website, which is open for voting to all employees. Those who want to participate in the program, set aside from their earnings each month an amount of their choosing and the Bank matches the raised funds and donates them. At the end of each month, information on the amount and recipient of the donation is published, while proposals that are not chosen are considered for subsequent donations. In this way, absolute transparency is achieved and direct communication is established with the recipients of the donations with the donations made directly to them, either in monetary funds or in the equipment purchased for the collected funds.

To date, 2,724,890 RSD have been collected and donated, with 21 people and 10 institutions as the recipients of donations. Most often, donations have been made to children of poor health and poor socioeconomic status, while among the institutions that received donations were the Children's Village "Dr Milorad Pavlović" in Sremska Kamenica, children’s shelters, the Institute for Health Protection of Mother and Child "Dr Vukan Čupić", the Red Cross in Aleksinac, Association for Helping People with Autism from Kragujevac.

Every month, the employees of Crédit Agricole Serbia respond to this initiative in large numbers and "give with their hearts", thus showing their humanity, solidarity and desire to help those who need help the most.

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