CCIFS Grand Prix 2022: Docloop - Green Stamp

The Grand Prix award ceremony shall be held on this year's Gala evening. Docloop is nominated for "Corporate social responsibility" category.

The year 2022 will bring significant changes to the Serbian business ecosystem in terms of a more modern way of doing business, which includes, in the first place, the introduction of digital and electronic solutions in everyday business processes. In 2021, the Law on Electronic Invoicing was passed, which obliges all business entities (private sector and public sector) to adapt to the electronic way of issuing invoices in 2022, which will result in significant business savings, but also a huge environmental impact.

Objective: To reduce the use of paper in everyday business and to preserve trees (forests).


About the project: The Green Stamp is a verified recognition that rewards the social responsibility of the companies that gave their contribution to the protection of the environment and the improvement of the ecological situation in Serbia. By switching to an electronic service invoicing system, using the Moj-eRačun service, companies become "green ambassadors" and receive a green certificate as a credit for their contribution.

Certificate award criteria:

- Number of preserved trees

- Reduction of carbon footprint

ECO savings calculator – Calculating direct business and environmental savings based on input information on invoicing.

Methodology: The methodological approach applied is a combination of theoretical approach from the existing literature, and on the other hand is based on practical experience.

The following methods were used:

• Calculate the average monthly consumption of invoice paper.

• Analysis of the number of trees that would be cut down on a monthly basis.

• Calculation of saved trees on an annual basis.

• Reducing the carbon footprint to determine the current situation and make a projection of the positive impact on the environment, and through subsequent savings by using electronic invoices.

The project contributes to:

• Promotion of electronic invoicing and digitalization of business.

• Developing awareness within the economy and the Government about the importance of environmental protection.

• Encouraging the promotion of sustainable development.

• Encouraging respect for environmental principles.

• Dialogue between government bodies, the economy, community interests, organizations and Docloop companies.

Ceremonial awarding event of the green certificate:

Moj-eRačun, in cooperation with PKS Center for Digital Transformation and JP Srbija šume, will award these special recognitions at ceremonial event. This will further promote the "green ambassadors" and invite other companies to join the new environmental wave of business. In addition to awarding certificates for each certified client, in cooperation with JP Srbija Šume, an adequate number of seedlings will be planted.

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