Roundtable: “Job opportunities in the gaming industry in Serbia”


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The gaming industry in Serbia involves over 100 companies who published 41 games in 2020 and employs around 2100 people.








Roundtable: “Job opportunities in the gaming industry in Serbia”


5th November 2021 from 10:00
Location : Mama Shelter, Kneza Mihaila 54A

The gaming industry in Serbia involves over 100 companies who published 41 games in 2020 and employs around 2100 people. More importantly, it is booming and becoming noticeable to the foreign eye; Ubisoft, in 2016, was among the first to open its Belgrade studio. In Serbia, like in France where the 5-billion a year industry is also growing rapidly, a challenge remains: how to source talent – including female talent? In the context of the French Institute’s Digital November leading industry experts from Serbia and France analyse this challenge, explore avenues to attract gifted engineers and developers, enhance the field’s attractiveness to students and share best practices.


10:00 - Opening word by Stanislas Pierret, Director of French Institute and Cooperation Advisor of the French Embassy

10:05 - Opening word by Nicolas Rabrenovic, representative of La French Tech

10:10 - Roundtable discussion between
Emmanuel Delamarre (Plaine Images),
Relja Bobic (Serbian Games Association),
Jelisaveta Lazarevic (All for All),
Moderator: Milica Todorovic (Ubisoft)

11:00 - Q&A

11:30 - Networking coffee

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